Nancy lives in Cambridgeport with her husband, Tony, and two children.An experienced public school teacher, she taught middle school social studies for 12 years.Currently Nancy serves as the co-chair of the school council at Graham and Parks where Isaac (grade 4) and Jonah (grade1) are students.
Committee to Elect Nancy Tauber 137 Chestnut St. Cambridge, MA 02139 617-576-7977----------------------------
Gail Stubbs - Treasurer------------------ Fran Cronin - Campaign Manager------ Laurie Sheffield - Assistant Manager--- Amy Lessler - Assistant Manager------- Karen Stevens - Graphic Designer------ Ben Lummis - Campaign Advisor-------- Sam Stubbs - Campaign Mobile Mgr.----
Interested in contributing to Nancy's campaign?
Make your checks payable to: Committee to Elect Nancy Tauber---
Mail your checks to 137 Chestnut St. Cambridge, MA 02139.
How you can help Nancy......
Host a coffee ---------------------------
Help with mailings ---------------------
Put a sign in your yard-----------------
Work on election day-------------------
Introduce Nancy to your neighbors-----
Help with fundraising and events ------
Use your name as an Endorser---------
Give Nancy your #1 vote on Nov. 6th--